The Sea God
from Zariste’s Concise Guide to World Religions
The Sea God was born as the universe sprang forth and created the wild. When the Sea God spied the Goddess in those first moments, he fell madly in love and pursued her until she consented to become his wife.
The Sea God controls changing influences: passion (both lust and anger), storms, earthquakes, and water. Along with the other gods, the Sea God created Damensea and holds dominion over the oceans.
Unlike other gods, the Sea God never selected a people but instead calls those with intense passion or wanderlust. Often those who frequent the ocean worship the Sea God as well. The worship of the Sea God is a wild and free religion with few rules or priests. The Sea God has less than twenty priests at any time, and these priests travel across Damensea guiding his worshippers.
Although the Sea God has no daily services, he has two festivals. Held at the lowest tide (in mid-summer), Neaprevel celebrates the bounties revealed by change. Held at the highest tide (in mid-winter), Springrevel celebrates the flaws eroded by change. Except for the reasons behind them, the festivals are observed the same with feasts of fish and kelp, boisterous drinking, and tempestuous couplings.