Magical Properties of Metals
To Lady Juliet, Royal Witch of CalatiniRoyal PalaceOrmasMerrilea Dear Lady Juliet, Thank you for your information about unicorn water and your advice. However, I could never leave my mentors, as paltry as they are. The…
To Lady Juliet, Royal Witch of CalatiniRoyal PalaceOrmasMerrilea Dear Lady Juliet, Thank you for your information about unicorn water and your advice. However, I could never leave my mentors, as paltry as they are. The…
from Parkstone’s The History of Damensea One of the most extravagant faegifts ever recorded, the Mirror of Wisdom was given to King Sarastor by Queen Mynee during their courtship. From a noble family in Linwick,…
To Lady Juliet, Royal Witch of CalatiniRoyal PalaceOrmasMerrilea Dear Lady Juliet, Thank you for explaining about geases in your last letter. Recently, my mentors they sent me to purchase unicorn water from the healer several…
from Verna’s Customs of Calatini A recent import to Calatini, arachne silk was introduced to Ormas society by Lord Beza Hawke and his merchant partner Buford Leshane in the summer of 1013 AF. They cleverly…
from Parkstone’s The History of Damensea Since before the Stone Wars, healers have worn symbols of their craft. These symbols help patients identify them during times of need as well as protect healers from harm….
Written by a Fashionable Lady in Spring 1013 AF Over the centuries, witch shops have flourished in Ormas—there are witch shops on every street, corner, and alley. Not including transient stalls, there are over two…
To Lady Juliet, Royal Witch of CalatiniRoyal PalaceOrmasMerrilea Dear Lady Juliet, Thank you for explaining about Rhiannon descendants. That makes more sense than all those disparate people being related. Thinking of Rhiannon, where do you…
To Lady Juliet, Royal Witch of CalatiniRoyal PalaceOrmasMerrilea Dear Lady Juliet, Thank you very much for your advice about my cleansing spell. I performed my spell on the anniversary of meeting my former betrothed, and…
To Lady Juliet, Royal Witch of Calatini Royal Palace Ormas Merrilea Dear Lady Juliet, I am preparing to perform a cleansing spell to help me forget my former betrothed. (A pox on that cheating whore!)…
from Saunders’ The Basics of Magic In Damensea, magic is used every day, and most humans use previously created magic, but witches are classified as those who can use magic directly or create new spells….