The Literature Map
The Literature Map shows authors similar to each other. Just enter a name and see who appears. Closer authors are more similar to each other. You can keep going by clicking on an author on the map.
The Literature Map is part of the GNOD (Global Network of Discovery) project and was created by Marek Gibney from Germany. The GNOD is a self-adapting AI system that gathers its information by asking visitors about which authors they like. The database started with no associations, but now you can find maps for most major authors. The more people who use it, the more accurate the Literature Map will become. There are also GNOD projects for music, art, and movies.
I like using the Literature Map to find new authors I might like as well as authors that might be similar to mine. It’s a fun way to find new authors, but it can be easy to waste tons of time. 😉