Classes of Witches
from Saunders’ The Basics of Magic
In Damensea, magic is used every day, and most humans use previously created magic, but witches are classified as those who can use magic directly or create new spells. The list below describes ten special classes of witches with unique skills, methods, and types of magic; however, more special classes exist.
- Rhiannon Descendants: Progeny of early witches that performed a blood-kith ceremony with Rhiannon the founder of human magic. They are more powerful than ordinary witches. (Read more)
- Black Witches: Practitioners of evil magic who are infamous for poisons, curses, and other evil spells. Forbidden by the Goddess, Rhiannon, and kingdoms across Damensea, black witches live in hiding. The punishment for being convicted of being a black witch is often death, although banishment or magic binding is possible for minor offenses.
- Magic Marshals: The agents responsible for policing magic in Calatini. Although some have no magic, most magic marshals are strong witches, so they can contain transgressing witches. Other kingdoms have similar agents but call them other names.
- Witch Healers: Healers who treat patients using magic. They can invoke healing sight to diagnose patients, burn out infections, mend flesh and knit bones, neutralize poisons, and treat curable diseases. (Read more)
- Soul Healers: Healers who heal both physical and mental ailments using their soul. These extremely rare healers are always female descendants of the Spring Queen (and Rhiannon descendants), and some can heal nearly any ailment, but healing mortal ailments bonds them to their patients.
- Seers: Witches who can divine the past (hindsight), the present (nowsight), and the future (foresight) through spontaneous visions, reading cards, or gazing in pools, mirrors, or crystals. (Some non-seers can perform the first two types of magical insight, although typically not foresight.) The most famous seer guides the isle of Orandia where Rhiannon spent her final years. Orandia’s seer has no human contact after ascension to preserve his/her power and wears white head and face veils when in public.
- Nature Witches: Witches who are closely connected to nature and perform spells using or influencing nature. They use herbal magic, earth magic, weather magic, creature magic, blood magic, sex magic, etc. (Unless black witches, nature witches only use sex and blood magic for consensual adults.)
- Spirit Witches: Witches who communicate with spirits and create spells using spiritual rituals, often chants and songs. They create hexed dolls, spelled desiccated animals, charmed candles, luck amulets, and other ritual charms. They also practice necromancy, exorcisms, and spiritual cleansings.
- Fire Witches: Witches who create spells using fire, can burn anything, and are immune to fire. As masters of fire, their spells often focus on energy and transformation, but they can also use fire to see what another fire sees. Fire witches often keep firebirds and firecats as familiars.
- Alchemists: Witches who study elements and attempt to purify, mature, and perfect them. They often aim to transmute base metals into gold or discover an elixir to cure all diseases and create eternal life. Most alchemists use spells but some magicless alchemists do exist.